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We Categorise our toys by SKILL to make it easier for parents to shop, access and purchase toys that cater for their individual child's needs 


Social skill toys are designed to help children learn, practice, and develop important social skills such as communication, empathy, cooperation, and problem-solving, through play.


Fine motor skill toys are designed to engage children in activities that help improve their hand-eye coordination, dexterity, and finger strength, which are crucial for important everyday tasks, such as writing, dressing, and feeding themselves.


Gross motor skill toys are designed to engage children in activities that help build their strength, coordination, and balance, which are crucial for important everyday activities like running, jumping, climbing, and playing sports.




Role play toys are designed to let children act out various real-world scenarios, such as playing doctor, cooking, or driving, which helps them to develop their imagination, social skills, and problem-solving abilities.




Montessori inspired toys are designed to promote self-directed learning and exploration in young children by encouraging hands-on play and independent problem-solving skills, which are key elements of the Montessori teaching philosophy.


Literacy/ speech development toys are designed to engage children in activities that help promote reading, writing, and language skills, which are crucial for important everyday activities like communicating, learning, and socializing.


Mathematics toys are designed to engage children in activities that teach basic mathematical concepts such as numbers, counting, shapes, and patterns through fun and playful interactions.


Sensory toys are designed to engage children in activities that stimulate their senses of touch, sight, sound, smell, and sometimes taste, to encourage exploration, learning, and development.


Kid's stress relief toys are a collection of fun and effective way for children to manage their stress and anxiety levels while promoting mindfulness, focus, and creativity. With a wide range of options available, there is a stress relief toy out there for every child to enjoy.

The benefits of kid's stress relief toys go beyond just providing a sense of calm. They also promote focus, creativity, and mindfulness. By engaging in a hands-on activity, children can redirect their attention from negative thoughts and feelings to a more positive and productive outlet. In addition, stress relief toys can also improve hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and cognitive processing.

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